Monday, December 21, 2015


Hailing from the Gray Wastes and the Broken Hills, the Goliaths are a shattered race.
Once the owners of a proud empire that predated the kingdoms of humanity by a thousand years, they have fallen into a dark age.
Tribal and ferociously territorial, they fight a never ending battle against the denizens of the Silg Expanse. The Republic has sent ambassadors to the Goliath chieftains, and a few have set out into the world.


+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Goliaths are massively muscled, but their bulk sometimes gets in the way when they're trying to be nimble.

Medium: Goliaths are Medium creatures and have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Mountain Movement: Because goliaths practically live on the ledges and cliffs of the most forbidding mountains, they are particularly adept at negotiating mountain hazards. Goliaths receive a +2 racial bonus Acrobatics and Climb checks.

Acclimated: Goliaths are automatically acclimated to life at high altitudes. Unlike other denizens of the mountains, goliaths don't lose their acclimation to high altitude even if they spend months or years at lower elevations.

Body Language: When speaking to one another, goliaths tend to augment their verbal communication with subtle body language. Goliaths receive a +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks.

Big Grip: Goliaths can wield weapons intended for Large creatures without a -2 penalty.

Weapon Familiarity: Goliaths' superior bulk helps them wield heavier than normal weapons. Goliaths treat exotic weapons which can be wielded in two hands as martial weapons by Medium creatures, such as bastard swords and dwarven waraxes, as martial weapons.

Darvkision: Goliaths can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Languages: Goliaths begin play speaking Common and Gol-Kaa. Goliaths with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Terran.


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