Monday, December 14, 2015

A Brief Overview of the Gods.

Aray: The God of Justice.
Domains: Good, Law, War, Strength
"The Lawgiver"

Aray is one of the oldest gods, born from the ashes of Gaios. He brought law and justice to the creatures of the world, and upholds the courts of the heavens, and blesses those on the material realm. Fair and balanced, lawyers, judges, and investigators are highly prized within his clergy.
He was at first a war god, and his clerics and paladins practice with martial weapons daily.

He opposes the works of Arom, Mykeheth, and Beloquin, and is allied with Sereneth and Nem.

Favored Weapon: Longsword

Aray: The God of Subjugation.
Domains: War, Evil, Charm, Law.
Arom is the brother of Aray, and is the god of tyranny, strife, and hate. He wants all mortals to worship him, and he only. His clergy strives to fulfill his wishes, and slave markets thrive in cities and nations where his church reigns. The Silg Expanse is one such place, an austere land of wrought iron; of rigid armies of hobgoblins and orcs, of slaves and indentured servants worked to the death.
In the Asandari Republic, there are a few noble houses and mercenary companies, not to mention upper members of the military hierarchy who worship him.

Favored Weapon: Mace


Mykeheth: The God of Death
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil,  Magic

 Mykeheth is the twin brother of Sereneth, and the polar opposite of her in every way. His power is the dead, and grants his clerics power over the dead. Necromancy is encouraged within his church, and the echelons of his clergy contain many sentient undead.
He is a bored deity, and spends much of his time conversing with the line of the dead that stream through his Gates.
His church is, for the most part underground, a banned cult, though people do leave him offerings when the death of a loved one has happened, or is near.
The only city that openly allows worship of Mykeheth is Rehaal, ruled over by the lich Asmed.

Favored Weapon: Scythe.

 Narahara: The Goddess of Decay and Renewal.
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Death, Healing, Magic

More Archfey than goddess, she nevertheless grants prayers. Not much is known about Narahara, only that she is neither part of the Summer or Winter Courts of the Fey.
She may just be the most powerful deity in the pantheon, but it seems like she just doesn't care about politics, or anything at all. She is often depicted as a hedonist, drinking, smoking, and having relations with multiple partners as beings die and others come to life behind her.
                                                                                    Favored Weapon: Spear

 Nem: The God of Knowledge
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Protection, Rune

The god of libraries, of tomes, of learning, and knowledge. He is the one who introduced reading, writing, even language the moral races. Without him, Aray could never have created the laws and ideals of justice.
He is not afraid where knowledge leads, and finds censorship abhorrent.
His clergy are librarians, scribes, scholars, teachers, and travelers.

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff.

 Ost: The God of Magic
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Protection, Destruction, Rune

Ost was the son of Bahumat, patron god of dragons. He is the keeper of the tapestry that keeps all magic flowing. Without him, magic would unravel, the world would crumble and crystallize.
He is depicted as a humanoid dragon, and the dragonborn look up to him as their creator. He is not, of course, but he is far too apathetic to correct them.
He seeks to not get involved in the affairs of gods or mortals, and his clergy is small.

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Sahran: Goddess of Pranks
Domains: Good, Chaos, Trickery, Darkness

The goddess of good natured pranksters, rogues, and bards, of joy, and freedom. She is the patron deity of minstrels, gnomes, and forest elves. Of freedom fighters, of poets, and artists. Her clergy is diverse and fun loving.
She is passionate, amorous, and pleasure seeking.
Her own nature of being a trickster has gotten the best of her, as she thought it would be humorous to seduce the god of death, to see if she could.
She could.
The result was the goddess of murder and deception, her own traits reflected through a mirror darkly. The goddess Beloquin, scourge of the shadows is her dark shame.

Favored Weapon: Rapier

Beloquin: The Goddess of Murder and Deception

Domains: Chaos, Evil, Death, Destruction, Trickery, Darkness

The unwanted daughter of Mykeheth and Sahran, Beloquin is the shadow with the dagger, the whisperer in the dark, the assassin in the noble court. She poisons with lies as well as with venom.
Her clergy, known as Whisperers are assassins and prostitutes, killing their prey with ritual and ease. It is Beloquin's goal to spread chaos and misery wherever glory and light shines.

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Sereneth: The Goddess of Light and Life

Domains: Good, Healing, Sun, Glory, Protection

Sereneth is the twin sister of Mykeheth, and his opposite in every way. She is of love, and life, and light, her mere touch heals the gravest wound.
She is the sunlight in the dark, the dawn, the hope. Her clergy dress in silver and white, and run free clinics in every city of the Republic, and beyond. Her Paladins ride with those of Aray, and heal the sickened and fight for the oppressed.
Her church is in direct opposition to the followers of Beloquin and Arom, and there is much fighting in the Silg Expanse over territory that has long been held by Serenethi.

Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Eadros: The Deity of Time
Domains: Water, Time*, Knowledge, Magic

Nobody knows just how ancient Eadros actually is. Depicted as a whirling mass of tentacles, eyes, waves, and clocks, the deity is uncaring, and cares only about the circle of existence turning. Any deviation from the time stream, and it knows.

It is not above enslaving mortals and hurtling them through time to correct a mistake or transgression.

Sages say Eadros always has been, and always will be, a fixed point in time. Whenever anyone communicates with it (on any plane, at any time), it is the same moment for Eadros.
 Favored Weapon: Whip

*Time Domain

Granted Powers: The god of time has given you the power to stop time briefly, and to shift backwards in time briefly as well.
Moment of Pause (Sp): As a melee touch attack, you can stop time for one creature briefly, freezing them in place. For one round, the creature can take no action and experiences time as if that round never took place.
Time Shift (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, once per week you can briefly shift time backwards. You can shift back no further than 4 combat rounds, or 1 minute outside of combat. Any actions that took place during the time you shift back before are considered to have not taken place, and all actions pick up from the point you shift back to.
Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—one track mind, 3rd—delayed reaction, 4th—haste, 5th—hold monster, 6th—contingency, 7th—lesser time stop, 8th—temporal stasis, 9th—time stop.



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