Monday, December 14, 2015

The Kingdom of Namaranthe


Nestled in an idyllic valley deep within the Caex Mountains, the Kingdom of Namaranthe is known for its ale, its elderberry wine, masterwork steel, and its scrimshaw. Half the year, the majority of the kingdom is buried in snow, other than the twin towns of Gaulan and Gaulai, which are warmed by numerous hot springs.

The other half of the year is spent farming the fertile soil, harvesting lumber, hunting, and fishing.
The Kingdom has recently become a protectorate of the Asandari Republic, and pays its dues with ore and lumber. In return, the Republic has begun patrolling the lands north of the valley, where a base has been built.

Meals in the kingdom of Namaranthe are simple affairs of meat, root vegetables, bread made of rye, and ale. Dill is a common herb, used in all manner of recipes.
Popular is a meal of venison or cod, roasted beets and carrots, and a pint of strong ale.
Fish, taken from the Namar lake, is a common meal as well, usually baked inside a loaf of rye bread.

The people of Namaranthe have been stalwart defenders for centuries against the creatures of the mountains; orcs and goblins, yeti and winter wolves, frost trolls and white dragons.
In years past, they had sided with the Republic against the dwarves of Adaman.  These vicious dwarves, corrupted by the agents of Rehaal, tainted by necromancy and whispers of madness, swarmed out of their mountain halls, flattening the Republic cities of Bastion and North Haven.
The Namaranthen army attacked from the rear of the Dwarven army, surprising the general of that dark swarm, and it was Hrothgan the Bold that took the mad dwarf’s head.
In current times, a group of goodly dwarves have begun resettling the forsaken halls of Adaman. This has the King’s blessing.

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