Monday, December 21, 2015

Algazan- City of Iron

The Easternmost city of the Republic that borders on the Silg Expanse, Algazan is a city ruled by the Iron hand of the Republican army.
A military base more than a city, Algazan is dark, smoky, and loud. The toughest, the meanest of the Asandari military are stationed here.

Algazan: LE Militocracy
Population: ~250,000. (225,000 human,  10,000 dwarf, 10,000 andur, 1,000 elf, 700 half orc, 500 gnome, 500 halfling, 500 goliath, 500 ilbisian, 500 dragonborn,  300 half elf, 300 Aasimar 200 tiefling)

Ruled by:
Supreme General Ahio Leo'har (LN human fighter 10)
Hrothgan Bloodtusk (LE half orc warpriest 8)
Seren Aul'amir (NG cleric of Sereneth 5)

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